Thread: Sounding Off.....................

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  1. #1

    Default Sounding Off.....................

    It's probably just an overdue corredtion, but..............................
    Lately I'm wondering if Cramer pissed off a few people and they got together and started shorting his stock picks!
    And I'm sick and tired of those Iranian towel heads opening there mouths and sending the oil futures through the roof!
    They're probably preplanning they're comments , using options, puts, calls, shorting the right stocks - etc......
    Man, do they need their asses kicked! And not just because of the nuclear thing, they need it because of what they're doing to the mkt........
    (But of course - we won't - we will use "diplomacy")
  2. #2


    Oil prices are determined (and always have been) by a cabal of financiers which are not only Iranian but American, European, Russian, et cetera. The consumers price is determined by the actual petrol companies, who pass along suposed costs or savings to dumb comsumers who will and have to pay whatever is asked. Once you decide not to pay by voting with your petro-dollar things will change & power will return to the consumer, which means regular American folks like yourself. You do this by breaking away from your "dealer" and changing your habits such as switching over a very fuel efficient car, using fuel efficient products in your home, taking mass transit more, buy a motorcycle or bike when you can, buying dometically produced products (closer to where you live the better). Doing this you have them by the balls for once and prices will be affected. Make producers nervous, dont buy into their game.
  3. #3


    Lemmings don't seem to see that price is directly related by those financiers who decide to slow or up the flow through the spigot.

    And those boys ain't stupid, their collective power is greater than any government because nearly every society is hooked on oil & has been for over 75 years. This can & must change, obviously. Sooner the better and it doesnt mean our lifestyes need to be altered drastically, just tweaked. Those who cannot adapt will complain like whiney bitches and be left behind like the neanderthals they are.

    Petrodollars is more valueble than gold, it's not about being Iranain or your cultural head-dress but about manipulating the markets. Your racist, hopelessly niave drivel is hilarious, your getting played from both ends & dont even see it. But dont take it personally, i'm just sounding off........
  4. #4


    I tried to edit my post but ran out of time, there was more to say. Not to go on a rant, but your post illustrates a common theme with many in american who dont undertsand the market nuances, well beyond the surface manipulation you mentioned. Its a scam, a huge game. No doubt those on our side are playing that game, their bank accounts padded with profits from every turn along the road. Do you think Cheney & all the others are in office to improve the daily life of Joe-or-Jane Average citizen?

    What about those from Bush Sr. or Reagans former administration? Most are deeply invested in "investment groups" with mysterious ties to their middle east emir buddies., quietly cuttting deals formulation plans, with help from intellegence spooks... shady stuff but i won't get started on that.

    When it comes down to it, we can estimate that all these big players, these modern robber oil barrons in the US, Iran & elsewhere will continue to jerk us all around so we better get smart & move on. If South America can be energy self reliant, why can't we? Take a look:


    Makes you wonder if *some folks* in power just don't want things to change, want it to drag on forever .... "oil is running out! we have to charge this rate!". I don't care for being lied to AND bled dry thanks, so F*** off, i'm ready for change. I like this idea, its sustainable, profitable, and self reliant. Sooner we stop doing things the hard way (meaning: our obsession with using nothing but crude to sustain our lives) the better for all.
  5. #5


    Bitch all you want about environmentalists but time shows they've nearly always have been right. For 30+ years they've been telling us we need to try alternative fuel sources ... the government said we didnt have the money, yet we found BILLIONS for this goofy war. My family is 3 generation military and dont take kindly to being used as fodder for the monetary benefit of global corporate oil corporations and those politicians who are best buddies with them.

    America has sunk low in terms of self-reliance our ship is doing a Titanic, we can still do something though, like Brazil did. (read upper link) It's a good start at least. We could
    actually save that endangered species "the American Farmer" with buying all his veggie
    mass/corn to process into fuel. Gee, what a novel concept....

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