Thread: kickstarter farmer laboratory: CFLs at 30 seconds

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  1. #1

    Default kickstarter farmer laboratory: CFLs at 30 seconds

    It's been up about an hour and it is already 26% funded. Wow.

    So I started making another video (lots of you have probably seen gobs of my videos), but the equipment I bought turned out to be lame. The good stuff is gonna cost more than I'm willing to spend. A bunch of people pushed me to kickstarter.

    I think the video I made for the campaign turned out really cool.
  2. #2


    Will be watching with interest!

    I'm not a fan of CFTs. Too expensive, environmentally dangerous, bad color content.

    The biggest argument that I have heard against residential incandescent, is that they put off heat. Well, 6 months out of the year, I welcome that heat. The other 6 months of the year, it still is not a big issue.

    LEDs are not a whole lot better, as they have a wear out curve that is pretty aggressive.

    That reminds me... I gotta start stocking up on incandescent bulbs!
  3. #3


    In response to a point that I seem to be having trouble making, I made this weird little story I call "Mr. Stinkypants and the CFL"
  4. #4


    Very enlightening ...thanks Paul! I subscribed to your channel and will look forward to looking through your other videos.

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