Fast forward two and a half years and I am at a point in my life where I am going to have to take a break from trading as I currently am doing. I wanted to take some time to reflect on what I learned. In the process of reviewing my journals there were some things that I wish I would have known. I wish I would have been able to read a post like this when I got started. Not sure it would have changed me getting started as I really do not regret at all the two + years I have spent trying to learn trading, just that if I would have read this and followed this I believe it would have short circuited my learning curve.

I originally came from British Columbia Canada. I moved out to the Baltimore / DC area in may of 2013. Although I didn’t know when I moved to the States that I would meet someone, fall in love etc. I did feel that I should be checking in with a ‘reality check’ in a couple years to see where I was at. Once I got engaged I decided that after I was married I would need to take a cold hard look at what I am doing. That time has come.