Thread: Nick Diaz (while completely stoned) vs CM Punk

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  1. #1

    Default Nick Diaz (while completely stoned) vs CM Punk

    - Diaz has just smoked enough weed to make Bob Marley blush. He's completely, utterly and totally stoned. As a result, he's craving Doritos and other cheezey snack foods
    - Punk is in the best shape of his fighting career
    - 5 round fight
    - Diaz is current
    - 170 pound fight
  2. #2


    Diaz beat prime Gomi while stoned out of his mind. Punk won't even be an afterthought.
    Punk gets violated.
  3. #3


    Diaz has won fights high out of his mind he stomps here
  4. #4


    Lmao, he wasn't actually stoned I'm sure, I don't know how that's possible.
  5. #5


    Joe Rogan said that they found so much THC in his blood the only possible explanation for it was that he was high as a kite during his fight with Gomi.
    Anyway Nick wins via Stockton slap.

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