Thread: Is there any cure for Onset Adulthood?

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  1. #1

    Default Is there any cure for Onset Adulthood?

    You decide. Some profound thinkers here, such as Gunga Dim are not fooled. Whaddayathink?
  2. #2


    Well, he DID end up selling a lot of books....

  3. #3


    Well! He did steal the theory from Alfred Russel Wallace
  4. #4


    He was obviously full of it for stating that birds on various islands evolved from the sort of tortoise that inhabits the Galapagos. Taint possible.

  5. #5


    Slight exaggeration there, Rap, as you well know. Darwin and Wallace corresponded from the git-go and found that they were in general agreement on nearly everything as regards evolution. (Wallace, however, never used the expression "natural selection", as far as I know, but did voice opinions not in opposition to the noton.)

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