Thread: What stocks for Oil Rebound

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  1. #1

    Default What stocks for Oil Rebound

    So if we get a bottom on Oil between $45-$50 a barrell
    What stocks (oil or otherwise) will see the most gains on the ride back upto $80 a barrell over the next 18-24 months.
  2. #2


    I was planning on buying XLE, but I'm still waiting on oil to drop.
  3. #3


    USO, XOP, are a couple of the more liquid ones.
  4. #4


    What is everyone's trigger price? I'm looking for $40, but might start buying some at $45.
  5. #5


    I've been long USO for some time now. I don't think for a minute I can call the bottom...I just see it as at a price extreme and volatility is ripe for selling.

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