Thread: All this Dollar collapse speculation.

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  1. #1

    Default All this Dollar collapse speculation.

    I have been looking into this lately, I'd say it's pretty accurate now that I've looked at the facts.
  2. #2


    I give it exactly 2 more years. We're holding on as long as we can but it looks like the house of cards has started falling. Question is, should I build up my credit card limit and max them out with fast cars & woman right before it happens OR just be an onlooker and see how bad it gets?

    Throughout history hasn't it been the case that when/if one currency fails it is just replaced by another?

    So... what if the USD along with all of the other world currencies follow the path of Zimbabwe and become virtually worthless, what will all you millionaires do? you still have the knowledge to build up wealth again when you can but you wouldn't be rich really anymore? what about all the hard working poor and middle class Americans, the ones on wellfare or the ones barely struggling to keep their businesses afloat?

    There would be complete chaos in the US because people & businesses wouldn't be able to function and I don't think our government would allow that to happen. Lets see here, without the poor and working classes tax money would the government be able to function and be paid their outrages salaries? ...same for CEOs they get paid big money too all from the hard labor of the little guy.
  3. #3


    I'm heavy into pork bellies.

    It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor...
    buy in US$, Euros, Pesos, Lira, Yen or Ameros...
    deliver newspapers, or run the free world...
    I don't care who you are...

    EVERYONE loves a cool pitcher of Pork Belly Julip.

    (I think it is the mint sprig that "does it".)
  4. #4


    The powers that be learned to not let the trillions of dollars get into consumers hands. The big banks have it all. Banks aren't fractional reserve lending to multiply money supply available to business.

    Fortunately for us, the rest of the world is in worse shape than the US. Most of them cannot print money. We are in effect being chased by a bear but we are able to outrun our buddies, buying time. The dollar would have a better chance of falling if there was a better alternative to store wealth, whether that is other currencies, basket of currencies, precious metals, or seeds, bullets, guns, barrels of oil and a doomstead.
  5. #5


    It's a confidence game. The fed/treasury is trying to keep up treasury funding so our "elected elite" spendaholics continue to get new credit cards to max out and on the other hand they have to maintain the confidence of the fleeced public not to make a run on the markets/banks. The banks are more than happy to oblige as they make an easy spread. A very tight line to walk these days.

    The big banks are getting free money and taking down treasurys (a carry trade) then turning around with repo agreements getting cash on those treasuries and inflating the market. It's all interlinked and any glitch can trigger an avalanche. With all those interrelations its tough for funds to even know their risk exposure.

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