Thanks. Wow did I mess that one up. A Bull Put spread is two *PUTS*... not a put & a call. Right there in my notes. And this...

A bullish put spread or a put credit spread would be to sell an out of the money put and then buy a further out of the money put.

I was under the impression that it's a put below the market price and a put above. Here's a do-over...

For example's sake, lets say I'm going to sell an otm put at 104 and buy another (further otm) put at 100. Here they are: <--- full chain <---104 put <--- 100 put

So for anyone who doesn't know about the fine points of getting a "mid price" we would normally sell the 104 put at the bid price of 1.97 and buying the 100 put ask price would be 1.09?