Thread: Glassdoor

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  1. #1

    Default Glassdoor

    Looking into sources of how to find out more about management. Glassdoor seems quite popular but I'm wondering how much of the stuff there is former disgruntled employee's although some of the stuff is pretty level headed. Are there any others out there you are using?
  2. #2


    yes it's made up of a lot of former employee complaints pointing out the bad and ignoring the good.So you have to discern the good info with the biased.

    Just ignore the ones overly focused on the negative and rants.
  3. #3


    Any other sources for the type of inside info? Has anyone actually called up the Investor Relations or someone within a company to talk to them?
  4. #4


    I've talked with IR before. Useless though. They can't give out or discuss anything other than what is in the press release.
  5. #5


    And what about speaking with people within a company? Phoning up sales or something like that?

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