Thread: I need advice

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  1. #1

    Default I need advice

    Good evening!

    Any suggestions on how much money I have to have just to start stock market trading? What is the fewest amount?
  2. #2


    You can start with any amount of money. However, the more you have the better since you'll be able to buy better quality stocks. About $1000 would be nice to play the small and mid caps stocks.
  3. #3


    Thank you, BadThad!)
    And less than that?
    I found this: finance-forecast.c om. You can earn money on the stock market without fear of margin calls. Just predict, where you think the Dow Jones or S&P will close for a day, week or month. And what is great, that it's only 0,99$ to place your one bet.

    What do you think?
  4. #4


    I think it's a scam to take your money. If you want to gamble, go to a casino.
  5. #5


    But BadThad, some times traders start with less than $1000. At present, Stock market is a attracting to everyone. So there is nothing to think what should be minimum money and maximum money
  6. #6


    I think you should not invest much on stock market since you are a beginner. Just invest a little and earn a little. Do not be too ambitious at first. Step by step, you will know more about the market , have much more experience and then earn more.

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