Investors have still been speculating that FCSC may be acquired. Given the company just completed $22M+ in financing, I do not foresee that happening in the near future.

The company needed money to ramp up production of laViv and begin marketing efforts. Since the company just received money via the financing, I suspect this is presently what is happening behind the scenes.

Apart from being acquired or forming a major partnership, the only way in which I see the share price rising significantly would be to provide some sort of guidance that the demand for laViv is above what they expected, which would ultimately equate to large profits. This is the most likely scenario in my opinion and the main reason I have invested as I foresee a huge demand (though it may take a number of months at least). I would not expect to hear any guidance until late this year at best once production is up and running and laViv has been on the market for at least a few months.

Until that time, I would expect the stock to trade in the current range (.45-.60) with some spikes and some dips depending on traders moving in and out.

In my opinion (and I believe many feel this way), the management bungled the way it handled post-approval and the share price should be trading in a range higher than it is now. Hopefully we receive more updates than we have to date on the progress of production and marketing efforts.