What a bummer, no trading today. Being knee deep in the Gulf, I feel for the major PIA thats about to land Up North.
Finda ya a FEMA camp and get the $2K debit card they will pass out. Buy some QASP stock. \

Sat on the 733.33% all week end waiting on the edge of my seat for the openong and probably will have to wait another 2 or 3 days.

Yall be safe up there. Its hell living without power, gas and a way out. The wife had a 3 day in BWI and had to leave Sunday around 3P. The A-holes didnt have the stones to cancel the meeting till this AM. She would be sitting in BWI this AM with not a rent a car to be had.
Man its not the storm that bad its how society is pulled from its roots and left exposed. The wife can fly across the Country with $2 bucks in her pocket and never miss a beat.
What a Country we live in, we go without cable and my family becomes cave people.

I pray we dont look back years from now thinking this was the best of times, because TODAY is always the best of times.