On Wednesday, 04/23/14, a Schedule 13G was filed with the SEC by Curt Kramer. He's the president of Asher Enterprises. He now has 3.3 million shares, which is 9.99% of the outstanding shares. According to the SEC, Asher Enterprises has filed 28 13G's already this year.

From what I've read across the net, this guy provides toxic financing to troubled companies, and he's very predictable. Part of the financing deal is always convertibles, and once he receives possession of his convertibles, shortly thereafter a Pump & Dump occurs.

Also, two months ago NEWL struggled to do 200k shares of daily volume. One month ago it struggled to do 1 million shares of daily volume. Now 4 of the last 6 trading sessions have logged over 13 million shares of daily volume. Something's definitely going on here.