Is there anyway you guys could make a dumbed down picture so I understand why you choose specific stocks and what helps you decide on market direction and how you'd plan an entry and exit. I realize I'm beating a dead horse but I still don't get it. So maybe pictures will help.

Also I've lost interest in the options genre simply because I'm trying to learn too many things at once and its messing me up. Not putting it aside permanently but until I have learned the basics of stock direction and entry & exit.

Here is my picture. I had originally made it to kind of explain to a friend who understands less than me. He said it helped him understand a bit.
So the reason I would buy into intel is because.
-It's trending on both 5 day and monthly.
-It broke resistance not too long ago.

How would you plan an exit point on this?
Am I correct for being sold on it, why or why not?