Thread: Short Term Oil Prices

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  1. #1

    Default Short Term Oil Prices

    Hey guys - I'm looking at taking some profits on my OPC but I'm having trouble pulling the trigger as the price of oil keeps rising.
  2. #2


    Where do you all see oil going over the next month or two? Are we in for a drop-off after this $10 jump in May? Or will the momentum continue for awhile?
  3. #3


    Hard to tell. Opec wants oil to be around $70-75. I wouldn't be surprised if it hit that in july/aug.
  4. #4


    But as with many things these days, oil no longer trades on supply and demand functions, it's mostly a political game with a whole lot of speculation thrown in.
  5. #5


    Yeah, I'm waiting for oil to hit $75 Then I'm going to sell out gains after OPEC makes their first announcement that they are going to begin to ramp up output.

    Fairly safe bet that way, I just can't see oil taking another big dive, especially with the summer coming shortly.

    I could be wrong though, lol.
  6. #6
  7. #7


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