Thread: is hal goning up now

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  1. #1

    Default is hal goning up now

    now that hal moves to dubai will it make a run now.....will this mow help them or not?
  2. #2


    the farther away they associate themselves with dick cheney. the better there stock will be... moving headquarters from USA and get rid of KBR is great for the HAL
  3. #3


    In my opinion the phisical move itself will have a short term down side from the ANTI AMERICAN ideas. In the long term this will position them right in the middle of OPECS PLAYGROUND! I am sure the OIL KINGS are somewhat like us. Its just like the deals made on Golf Courses and the like here in America. Just my $.02 Long I think this is a plus for them.
  4. #4


    I think this stock in going down and going to languish for the next year or so. There will be congressional hearings, bad news, a couple more embarrassing revelations. If a Dem takes the White House, it may get even worse.

    However, wait a while and you could pick it up cheap. It will be a true value play but you must be buy and hold (for a long while).
  5. #5


    hearings are contracts given to them by bush whitehouse............................blank check to rip-off taxpayers

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