I have a large number of readers who have been with me since the launch of my premium advisory, The Daily Paycheck, back in January 2010. They watched as I slowly transformed the $200,000 cash stake from my company into the $291,776 portfolio it is today.

New subscribers are now greeted with a portfolio of more than 50 securities. And the questions I get asked most are 1) How do I get started? and 2) Can I use this strategy if I have less than $200,000 to invest?

The short answers to those questions are: slowly and absolutely.

But I want to spend a little time today explaining the "science" behind The Daily Paycheck strategy and how you can use this strategy to meet your individual needs.

It was as much a surprise to StreetAuthority co-founder Paul Tracy as it was to me. As an experiment, Paul tried to build a personal portfolio of dividend paying stocks to see if he could get 30 dividend checks in a month. But he achieved far more than the joy of receiving dividends every day. Paul enrolled all his securities in an automatic reinvestment program through his online brokerage account. And before long, Paul's experiment was beating the market.

Both Paul and I were familiar with the power of compounding growth from dividend reinvestment. As you can see from the chart below, if you invested $20,000 in securities paying a 7% yield, after 10 years your portfolio would be worth $39,343 with reinvested dividends.

And if your holdings happened to boost their dividends by just 5% annually -- something even a giant blue chip like AT&T (NYSE: T) has been able to beat -- your portfolio would be sitting at $46,475. That's an increase of 132.4%. And that's assuming zero capital gains. That isn't bad, especially when you consider the S&P 500 Index lost 26.5% in the ten-year period ended in 2009.

You can see for yourself in the chart below...