Thread: Thank God for the internet!

Results 201 to 210 of 336

  1. #201

    Default Christmas present idea

    just in case you can't think of something to get your loved one...
  2. #202

    Default Market Crashers

    I found this funny game with Jim and some of his CNBC friends. You have to play to see where Mr Cramer shows up.

    Market Crashers
  3. #203

    Default Watchdog has a few teeth pulled..

    most folks on this board take options back dating for granted. perhaps we should explain this new wrinkle to John Q Public, and its effect on his 401k.

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. securities regulators have amended a rule they adopted in July on disclosing executive pay, allowing companies in most cases to report lower upfront values for stock options granted to top executives.


    As adopted July 26, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rule would have required companies to include the value of unvested stock options - options that cannot be exercised until subsequent years - in new executive pay disclosures beginning in 2007.

    But in a statement issued Friday, the commission said it had changed the disclosure rule to match stock option accounting expense requirements which only require the cost of vested options -- those an executive can currently exercise -- to be counted as an expense.

    entire story:
  4. #204

    Default GS profits

    So, I was wondering where the public outcry is for an investment company that made $9.4 billion in profits this year? I mean, xom was villified for making a paltry 11% profit, while these wall street whiz kids managed 23%. Yeah, I know gs likely did not pull any money out of Joe Consumer's budget, but still, for every dollar gs made, somebody lost one and I wonder if the xom work force's average salary and bonus will = $622k ? Doubtful, otherwise we'd still be hearing the pissing and moaning about it.

    No, I don't work for xom or any oil company, I just think it's ridiculous to be upset with them for making a whopping 10% profit margin, and the gs earnings reminded me of the public's and media's tormenting of them. Just a little perspective next time a big oil company posts a record quarter and everyone screams bloody murder.
  5. #205

    Default Homework

    I enjoy homework and research, but I found over the past year my Bookmarks had become unwieldy, so I have started on a year long project of picking out the best and putting them in one location, which you may see in my signature below

    It is a year long project, because I am collecting rather generic insights by the month, beginning with December, so, for example, in Dec 07 I can refresh myself in November what to expect

    If you use a FREE site often, I would appreciate learning of the site and why this site is unique...For example, I have found only offers the PEG ratio (I do not like Yahoo's way), while another site shows Earning Reports Due in a long list rather than tabbed by the day of the week, so I can do a quick scan to see if a stock I like has a Earning Report coming

    As a FREE reader, I expect promotional literature, but NOT spam from a site, if I must register...I provide a way around this issue, by the way

    Just today I have discovered homework forums here on this forum, which I intend to start using
  6. #206

    Default US & UK to mass warships off Iran

    WASHINGTON, Dec. 20 — The United States and Britain will begin moving additional warships and strike aircraft into the Persian Gulf region in a display of military resolve toward Iran that will come as the United Nations continues to debate possible sanctions against the country, Pentagon and military officials said Wednesday.

    The officials said that Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates was expected this week to approve a request by commanders for a second aircraft carrier and its supporting ships to be stationed within quick sailing distance of Iran by early next year.
  7. #207

    Default Iran's Oil Exports May Disappear

    WASHINGTON - Iran is suffering a staggering decline in revenue from its oil exports, and if the trend continues income could virtually disappear by 2015, according to an analysis published Monday in a journal of the National Academy of Sciences.

    Iran's economic woes could make the country unstable and vulnerable, with its oil industry crippled, Roger Stern, an economic geographer at Johns Hopkins University, said in the report and in an interview.
  8. #208

    Default Re: Advice on stock tracker software

    Tons of choices, what's your budget? The more you trade or are willing to spend the more bells and whistles. Are you looking for a bolt on to your broker acct or a stand alone program? By SEC rule real time is gonna cost something.
  9. #209

    Default Happy Birthday Frank

    RIP and miss ya buddy. FZ lives
  10. #210

    Default Newbie needs reverse split info.....

    One of my stocks had a reverse split on 12/11. I use tradingdirect and I still do not have access to my shares. I've asked customer support and got the following: "The new shares have not hit your account as of yet. We do not know exactly when they will hit being the shares have to be put in from ADP ,
    when they receive them from the stocks agent."

    Anyone know how long this normally takes?

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