Like all monumental changes in life.
End of schooling phase creates:
- some immediate sense of pressure (you are expected to find a job),
- "disruptive" -ness (obviouslynew set of routines),
- uncertainty (you'll find yourself evaluating whether you are competent enough or not, and
- competition (since you wouldn't want to be left behind and be considered as a loser among your peers).
If you like what you actually studied, you might feel a little bit excited about the prospect of working. If you already have a work experience. You'll find it easier to adjust and to move on (and to not expect incredible or horrific stuff that most first timers feels)
If you are on some very technical fields (laboratory, research, engineering), I think working is a little bit easier than studying for introverts, unless you landed on some very toxic workplace filled with office politics, unreasonable deadlines, failing equipment, and short funds.