I am have been retired for 5 years, have a home mortgage company and just trade for the fun of it and make some easy money. I am not interested in the cars and prefer a truck over a car. I have the money to do what I want, but have never been interested in the fancy stuff. Can buy a new car but figure that is a waste of money and prefer a good used vehicle. Couple of years ago got a Ford platinum truck that wasn't even a year old, 17 thousand miles on it and knew it was a good deal. Did the same thing with the wife's car. After all vehicles are over priced and they only get you from point A to B to start with.

Today everyone is in dept, (including the U.S.A) and some time soon one of these days the bill is going to come due. We rely on credit to much. Remember reading a book that said that back in 1920 only 2 of the homes in the US had a mortgage and today only 2 don't.