I am pleased to find you agree there is no easy road.

I have yet to see the evidence that TA is time saving. As to cost saving ... money management principles can be used whether one is using TA or FA

Regarding "easy to use" I have yet to see the evidence that such systems exist

I agree that TA provides a degree of objectivity and I have never said that the two methods are in conflict with each other.

My view is that they work best when used together.

Finally let me assure you that in the end nothing is more important than the trend of the cash and realisable assets ratio ... but the movements of sentiment around underlying value as seen in charts are certainly worthy of study.

I have never opposed the use of TA ... only exaggerated claims made for its ease of use.

It is also instructive to note that many TA "experts" disagree. I've been receiving e-mails for 12 months telling me the US market is on the verge of collapse and that deflation is upon us ... meanwhile the US indices have had one of their best years ever. Perhaps this explains my somewhat jaundiced view of some TA "expertise".

By contrast the Trading Diary of Colin Twiggs is clear and informative.