Thread: Best of the Planet of the Apes trilogy?

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  1. #1

    Default Best of the Planet of the Apes trilogy?

    War is still 2 weeks away in my country, I just came to be the cool guy who says the 1968 original is and always will be the best and anyone who thinks otherwise is a bloody baboon.
  2. #2


    Dawn is my favorite, but I really need to rewatch War to get a feel for it. I really love all three movies, but the marketing for War gave me a very different impression of what the movie would be about and I feel I need to rewatch it for that reason.
  3. #3


    War didn't feel like the first two, nor was it good for it. Dawn and Rise felt like one movie together, with Dawn building up the intensity of Rise, but War was such a slow movie, that I just stopped caring by the time he got the the base.
  4. #4


    Rise. It really made me realize how much less I thought of animals compared to humans, and changed my entire view on that subject.
    Caesar's character was thoroughly developed and they didn't miss a step. There were so many great moments of emotion. One of my favorite moments was when Caesar felt betrayed by someone he considered a father, and in his cage he drew a picture of his bedroom window. I felt genuine pain for him.
    The soundtrack was inspiring. In particular, the moment when Caesar climbed the huge tree in the park for the first time.
    The action was superb. I had doubts about how such an ill equipped species could take on humans with superior tech, but they managed to make it believable.
  5. #5


    Basing it entirely on the first two movies I don't really get all the hype around it. The movies are maybe above average, but not really a second coming of all blockbusters like some people on the net make it out to be.

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