Thread: chair throwing

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  1. #1

    Default chair throwing

    Can we be serious here? Does he have to throw the chair every night., can we all email him and tell him he looks like my 2 year old nephew when I say "barney is over"
  2. #2
  3. #3


    I like throwing chairs. It's nice to see someone on TV shares my passion.

    In all fairness he does a lot of stuff that isn't all that mature. Does he need to bang on buttons that make random sound effects? Does he need to yell the entire show? Does he need to rip the heads off of little stuffed bulls ever couple of minutes? Probably not, but that's part of the entertainment.
  4. #4


    The chairs are pre-broken but one day he forgot and picked it up by the top and it came right out of the base. Now he always picks it up by the base. I no longer watch the political wrangling on all the other networks. Cramer has been a great show.
  5. #5


    I'm OK with the chair throwing, but one day I was watching Cramer and my 5 year old daughter saw him throw the chair and proceeded to pick up a doll chair and throw it across the room. I really wasn't paying attention because I was watching Cramer, but I heard her say "Hey, I can do that" and the chair went flying. Fortunately nothing was broken - the chair was only plastic after all - but I gave her a quick talk about the difference between TV and reality. I was kind of funny though, but I didn't let her know that.
  6. #6


    Helk, LOL. Just hope she doesn't start trying to pull heads off puppies, next. I've been looking for an office chair, too... have to shop online, because we don't have anything around here to speak of, so thanks for the suggestion, JimJeep.

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