Thread: Larry Larceny A.K.A. Summers

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  1. #1

    Default Larry Larceny A.K.A. Summers

    This fool is truly one of the most pathetic new world order psychopaths, a prime example of the fact American law enforcement officers and their agencies represent the protection of criminals like Summers and their corrupt global enterprise, which has methodically captured raped and destroyed the value and ethic of labor. What is being enforced is law at the expense of the Constitution.

    It is quite clear, the revelation of this criminal and pathological liar, Summers, represents intent clearly drawn to place this generation in the valley of decision. ''They'' are deliberate failures to secure the Constitution against the most powerful enemy in the history of man kind, which is domestic.
    Mr Summers and the global chain of fools he is representing; from the highest offices, down to the Private deployed in the field, they are domestic and foreign counter intelligence efforts defining the affective use of complicity, ignorance and apathy. They have brought this generation to the ''Tipping Point''.
  2. #2


    By design, this tipping point has come through the offer(s) of temptation, stemming from counter intelligence and the mapping out of history by evil and corrupted hearts that have successfully staked their own short term gain within the final outcome of the understated ''moral hazard''.
    The moral hazard is in fact theft and the slaughter of the host of the law, which in the case of America that means the loss of the principle of labor and the lives of soldiers and all persons that have been killed fore the sake of; the American Constitution, the intent of preserving individual liberty, freedom and justice for all ...up to this generations new global ''Tipping Point'' which represents the life of every American citizens and the mercy of those seeking salvation beyond the border of an American citizen under the cover of the Stars and Stripes.
  3. #3


    At this point, this ''Tipping Point'', where criminals like Summers don't care to be honest, what is in place is the appointed represented interests that have proved beyond the shadow of doubt to be criminal and in charge of the power of law enforcement and the military armed services. It is evident, the new global government system has produced a generation in contempt of the Constitution. The Executive office is a joke, the Legislative branch has been completely corrupted and fully compromised by the offer(s) of temptation and their is absolutely no call from the American people that is able to overcome the loss of principle.
  4. #4


    The judgment of this generation; this country, this new version of corruption, this new global market that seals all the nations and labor to the claim of dominion represented by debt, which serves the same old short term gain defining the lives of persons given into temptation, persons which have sacrificed honor, integrity, truth and justice for the sake of short term gain, this man Summers is the image of this generation.
  5. #5


    Summers is the call for instant retro active capital punishment, the call of judgment, which is now to come upon all persons sealed in agreement with his image. This generation shall not escape it's own judgment but, for the sake of the laborers in the field, not all shall perish, for not all are sealed in agreement with contempt. The ones that are standing fast, doing no harm, they are sealed in agreement and shall rise above contempt unto eternity, where the Truth and our Father in Yahshua preside in agreement above the false claim of darkness.

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