When people know you're a trader, they can sometimes take a quite different view of what "Trading" is all about and respond with kind intent. And no explanation ever rally clarifies it. Or is ever really worth the effort.

So, when I received a copy of Max Gunther's "Zurich Axioms" I immediately...put it to one side...However, ennui and a need for 'something a little different' crept up on me and I started to read it.

I'll post just the first few.

1. Worry is not a sickness, but a sign of health. If you're not worried, you're not risking enough.
{Always play for meaningful stakes}

2. Always take your profits too soon.
{decide in advance what you want and get out when you get it}

3. When the ship starts to sink, don't pray, Jump!
{Accept small losses cheerfully as a fact of life. Expect to experience several while awaiting a large gain}

4. On Forecasts: Human behaviour cannot be predicted.
{Ignore the economists, talking heads etc.}

5. Chaos is not dangerous: until it begins to look orderly.
{Beware the Historians' trap}