You may be aware that this past Juky the SFNF finally came out with their final Travel Management plan. It closed miles of backroads, limited unorganized camping and other things all meant to restrict access. There was an appeal and that was denied in October. Today the NMOHVA (New Mexico Off Highway Vehicle Alliance ) filed suit in federal district court.

Below is a copy of their letter....
Maps of the routes left open are here...
Eastside of the forest
Westside of the forest
If you are a user you may see favorite trails have disappeared off the maps. They have no gotten around to erecting the restrictive use signage yet.

The New Mexico Off Highway Vehicle Alliance (NMOHVA) filed a lawsuit against the Santa Fe National Forest in federal district court on December 11th. Our lawsuit contests the Forest's Travel Management decision signed by Forest Supervisor Maria T. Garcia on June 12th and upheld by the Region 3 Appeal Deciding Officer on October 2nd. Filing a lawsuit is a major commitment of NMOHVA's time and money. The NMOHVA Board thought long and hard about this and then voted unanimously to go ahead with legal action.