I'm glad you found what you needed Peter. But sadly if this guy ever gets big enough to make a real buck some lawyer will wipe him out.

American small business is being regulated to death and eaten alive by lawyers and corupt government officials. The construction industry is a prime example. Almost all residential construction is done by small businesses. But the honest law abiding guy doesn't have a chance. They pick on the licenced contractors not the unlicenced ones. How does that work? I am being put out of business by people who don't speak a word of english and never saw a code book in thier lives. And what does the government do? They raise my licence fee to suposedly provide better enfocment. What a joke. The homeowner keeps getting screwed by crappy work for a not so bargin price. And the good tradesmen get put out of business. The way things stand now I'd be better off burning my licences and working under the table. I'd have less hassles and make more money. Instead I'll just retire and let them have it.