New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) stock market indicators for the trading session today:
Advanced stock prices 1,736, declined stock prices 1,318, unchanged stock prices 100, stock prices hitting new highs 303 and stock prices hitting new lows 15. NYSE quotes for volatile stocks and market trends, as well as stock quotes, stock prices and stock symbols of Day Trading Stock Picks on the New York Stock Exchange stock market for Day Trading online and active Day Trading for those who are or would like to be Day Trading for a living: MON shed 4.06, HOD 73.79, LOD 68.80, EOD 69.26; ANF gain 2.11, HOD 68.20, LOD 65.67, EOD 67.68; CF shed 2.97, HOD 144.41, LOD 138.71, EOD 140.61; MCP shed 3.58, HOD 67.77, LOD 61.81, EOD 61.91; AGQ gain 3.36, HOD 249.97, LOD 242.91, EOD 247.34; CRM shed 2.27, HOD 134.95, LOD 129.39, EOD 131.34; MHP gain 0.40, HOD 39.66, LOD 39.20, EOD 39.58; CME gain 3.97, HOD 310.50, LOD 305.10, EOD 308.84; IOC shed 3.17, HOD 75.35, LOD 69.66, EOD 71.52.