Perry, who focuses on income-oriented investments, is championing the outlook for shares of “infrastructure, banking and big pharma and biotech stocks.”

In contrast, the election results likely will pressure stocks dependent on emerging markets, as well as multinational companies that do business in places where unfavorable trade deals exist for U.S. workers that Trump may want to re-negotiate.

“Trump was clear on his agenda if he won and the market is reacting accordingly,” Perry said.

The market’s rise shows that the media misled the public by predicting a bearish turn in the market if Trump won, Perry said.

“Quite frankly, the notion of lower corporate taxes, American-favored trade deals, commitment to infrastructure spending, a reset of spiraling health care costs, legal immigration, a stronger military and de-regulation… is music to the ears of those that have skin in the game; skin being the stock market,” Perry said.