Going to go with the Strangle of +/- $5 for the trade. I don't have serious confidence in the direction, except that it will most likely move like AAPL or NFLX in rise or fall. I plan to sell plan the pre-market. I expect it will reverse course a bit for a little while at least, but not enough to gain on other side of the strangle (in other words, if it goes high, I expect it will recede a little bit, but not enough to make the PUT of much value, or visa-versa. Similar to AAPL/NFLX).

Unless someone out there knows of a better take on the earnings. All I read and hear is how the dollars can be skewed to ham up or dumb down the report, that can slam a trade. In fact, all I heard last quarter about AMZN was "two thumbs up", for the lions share of everyone. But not. It dumped big. And these are the pros? My gut says, if not a strangle, or straddle, stay out of the way. IMHO