While the S&P 500 is higher by around 3% since the election, the small-cap Russell 2000 Index has rocketed approximately 12% in the same timeframe.

Greater protectionism and reduced global trade can help smaller firms, specifically those that typically earn less than 20% of their revenue from world trade. The global trade environment will encourage domestic buying, lifting the profits of companies that primarily serve the domestic market.

Smaller companies will also get a boost from Trump's proposed tax policy changes. While large, multinational firms have the resources and geographic footprint to lower taxation, these advantages are simply not available to smaller companies. The proposed 15% corporate tax rate will give small businesses the same tax benefits long enjoyed by the big boys.

Finally, and perhaps most counterintuitively, climbing inflation can help small companies. When prices drop, companies earn smaller profit margins on their goods and services. The opposite happens in an inflationary environment. Firms will be able to increase their prices, earning higher profits and lifting the bottom line.

In other words, helping to level the playing field.

Luckily, these high-potential, small-cap stocks can be had for a reasonable price. I've located 5 such stocks trading for under $6.