Thread: heLP!

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  1. #1

    Default heLP!

    need some advise on these stocks- buy or sell


    what do you guys and girls think

  2. #2


    buy the s*it out of SIRI
    I do own it and like it though :lol:
  3. #3


    Yeah, now that Cramer turned bearish on it (after costing those fokes who chased his buy call 10-15% in losses) I guess maybe SIRI can run to 7.50 again, huh? There is always room for more idiots on the fast train to dreamworld. Let's see if the Cramer reversal causes another stock price reversal. Look what he did for TIBX when he finally threw in the towel on that dawg! :lol: At least he had a shot at a long term bottom with TIBX. Ya gots no longterm shot with SIRI. Unless Howard Stern can convince the masses of smut lovers that $12.95 a month is not too steep a price to pay to hear naked women on da radio. Anybody who signs up just to hear Howard Sternum is an outright sucker. That's just me own opinion of course. Like for instance, I won't buy Nike sneakers either since they hire "poor role models" and pay em a ton of $$$ just so that you and I can buy sneakers that cost $1.97 to manufacture. Lemma axe ya a question since you own SIRI stock? How many SIRI products/subscriptions did you give away as Christmas gifts?
  4. #4


    ^ No, the question is, how many portable system has been bought as a gift which in... turn to more subscription.

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