Thread: Aapl

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  1. #1

    Default Aapl

    I picked this up when it was in the teens (pre-split), and it's had an awesome run. I keep debating whether to sell it. Last week didn't Cramer say it could go to 80? This week he said 50?

    Anyone else have thoughts on AAPL?
  2. #2


    AAPL is of course, Apple Computer for you non-home gamers
  3. #3


    RE apple

    I am an Apple fan from way back, still am. I got out right before the split. I do not see anything big coming out from them. Still have not got back in to it.
    Gizmodo.Com kind of said that HP and Apple are no more. That Apple is courting IBM now. No more IPods to be sold from HP. As for the music video on an Iphoto, the screen is really to small to enjoy something that will cost $2.00. You will always have some people that have to have them. Battery life could be an issue also. If the market rallies it could go to around 50. This just my opinion, I see no killer must have items here. Blu Ray and HD CD seem to be the next thing. They may merge into one to avoid the Beta vs VHS thing of the past. This may take longer then they want.
    Still have my Apple IIs and they are still working.
  4. #4


    iPod wasn't exactly novel when it came out, but Apple made it cool. The iTunes model was a no-brainer, but Apple was the first to actually implement it while other sites were trying to sell you music subscriptions.

    That's their strength now, they don't have to release something innovative, they just have to generate buzz and make everybody think it's innovative.

    I'm not an Apple product fan. I don't own any of their products. I bought AAPL after the tech crash because unlike many techs, they were profitable and had a pile of cash. This was shortly before ipod, and I was thinking the same, 'what kind of killer items could they produce?' The iPod didn't strike me as killer, but then I saw the Apple marketing magic take effect. The stock has gone up 350% since I bought it.

    Not saying it still has that much upside, since I honestly don't know.
  5. #5


    Intel coming

    Just imagine this - the Apple operating system is being prepared as we speak to work on Intel chips - the chip inside 95% of personal computers. Every windows machine may within the next year or two suddenly have the option to run an operating system that many believe is better in almost every respect than the Microsoft one. The next version of Windows, being released next year (they hope) is already availble in functionality in the Mac OS 10.

    If Apple starts replacing Windows, imagine where Apple's revenues could go.

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